Frogans Technology Conference 6 home page
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Last update: January 27, 2016.
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Click on the logo to find out the results of the first Frogans Awards |
The contest entitled "FROGANS AWARDS" is organized jointly by:
Since 2012, the OP3FT, whose purpose is to hold, promote, protect and ensure the progress of the Frogans technology, in the form of an open standard for the Internet, available to all, free of charge, has been working to ensure that the Frogans technology becomes a reality available to all.
The Frogans technology is a secure technology for the publishing of content on the Internet, open to the creativity of publishers and at the service of all Internet users. It enables the introduction of a new software layer on the Internet, called the Frogans layer, alongside other existing software layers such as E-mail or the Web.
GINKIT is an FCR Account Administrator with the identifier A-050255076-001.
The OP3FT and GINKIT are inviting you to participate, at no cost to you, in a contest they are organizing: "FROGANS AWARDS" for the best designers of Frogans sites.
This first global contest for the creation of Frogans sites, open to creative developers,
freelance designers and students, has two suggested themes:
"original shapes" and "showcasing data".
The designs submitted by finalists will be presented publicly during the Frogans Technology Conference 6 on February 16, 2016 at the Télécom ParisTech engineering school (Paris, France) with the winner chosen by applause meter.
The contest is open to all physical persons, at least 18 years old, residing in France or abroad, as well as to all legal persons, whose registered office and main activity are in France or abroad.
There is no submission fee.
The contest is not open to OP3FT employees and regular contractors, nor to GINKIT employees.
FROGANS AWARDS contest comprises three phases:
To participate in FROGANS AWARDS, participants must proceed as follows:
Each participant can submit as many designs as he wants, subject to each design being submitted by means of a separate email.
In submitting his design, the participant undertakes to respect these Rules, and in particular the obligations given in articles 5 and 7 below.
The finalists will be selected from the phase 1 participants according to the number of retweets they have received.
Each participant is encouraged to tweet the fact that he has submitted the design (Tweet suggestion: "I entered the #FrogansAwards. Please retweet for a chance to win your own #Frogans address!").
The more a participant's message is retweeted, the more likely he is to be one of the finalists.
Moreover, if a finalist wins the contest, the tweeters who retweeted will have an opportunity to participate in a random draw to win prizes, under the conditions given in article 6 below.
If a participant in phase 1 does not have a Twitter account or does not wish to tweet in regards to his design, he may nevertheless be chosen as a finalist by GINKIT.
All participants will be informed before February 15, 2016 at 8.00 p.m. (UTC +1) of the Organizers' decision as to whether or not they are finalists.
Information concerning the number of tweets and retweets will be available on request.
The OP3FT will present the finalists' Frogans sites to the audience during Frogans Technology Conference 6 on February 16, 2016.
Designs will be voted by applause meter and prizes will be awarded to the top three (3) Frogans sites under the conditions given in article 6 below.
Neither the OP3FT nor GINKIT will cover the travel costs of participants to the Frogans Technology Conference 6.
- Mandatory technical characteristics:
- Content:
The Organizers reserves the right not to present designs which fail to respect these Rules.
Finalists' designs will be judged by way of an applause meter during the Frogans Technology Conference 6.
The top three (3) designs will each win the following prizes, awarded by GINKIT: three (3) addresses of the frogans* Public Frogans Network, two (2) addresses of the "data*" Dedicated Frogans Network, and hosting of the corresponding Frogans sites for one (1) year as from the opening of the Frogans Core Registry. Their support structures, if mentioned in the email, will receive the same prizes.
For each of the three (3) winners, five (5) retweeters drawn at random will be awarded one (1) address of the frogans* Public Frogans Network and hosting of the corresponding Frogans site for one (1) year as from the opening of the Frogans Core Registry. The draw of these retweeters will be performed by the application live during the Frogans Technology Conference 6.
The Organizers may, at their discretion, choose to award a special prize.
The total value of the prizes can be estimated at 500 euros.
Each participant in FROGANS AWARDS undertakes to:
The OP3FT and GINKIT cannot be held legally liable as to the protection of ideas, patents, dossiers, designs or trademarks invented by the participant.
Each participant expressly authorizes the OP3FT and GINKIT to use and disseminate his image (via hardcopy and Internet) and his design(s). Each participant waives his image rights, solely for the purposes of this contest, and accepts in advance the dissemination of any photographs and videos that might be taken within the context of the contest.
In compliance with the provisions of article 26 of the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties, the participants shall have the right to access and amend information provided to the OP3FT and GINKIT, by sending an email to contact-legal (at) op3ft (dot) org.
Participation in this contest implies the complete acceptance, without reservations, of these Rules. In the event of a force majeure, the OP3FT and GINKIT shall be entitled to change, postpone, shorten, extend or cancel this contest without thereby incurring any liability. The participants agree not to submit any claims or seek any damages in this regard.
The official version of these Rules has been provided in French on the Web site of the Frogans Technology Conference. A translation in English has also been provided by the OP3FT for information purposes.