Frogans Technology Conference 7 home page

Frogans Awards 1

Frogans Awards 2 Results

English Français

Frogans Awards 2 is a free-of-charge contest for the creation of Frogans sites, open to everybody, including developers, freelance designers, and students.

Frogans Awards 2 ran from April 29, 2016 (opening date) through to June 14, 2016 (finals, live during the Frogans Technology Conference 7).

Members of the jury:
- Coralie Boulay, Ecole Supérieure du Digital, Director
- Laurent Poligny, University of Evry, PhD in Computer Science
- Xavier Sense, IUT Paris Descartes, Associate Professor - Communication

The president of the jury was Sébastien Bachollet, ICANN Board member from 2010 to 2014, Member of Alac - European end-user.

The winners were selected in four ways:

  1. The jury selected one winner during the Frogans Technology Conference 7 for the Artistic Impression Prize: special credit was given to Frogans sites whose use of shapes, transparency and cool navigation contributed to a "never seen on the Web" feeling.
  2. The jury selected one winner during the Frogans Technology Conference 7 for the Technical Merit Prize: special credit was given to Frogans sites that are dynamically-generated, change over time and invite interaction with the users.
  3. Voters on social networks selected one winner for the Social Networks Prize by voting online until the Frogans Technology Conference 7.
  4. The audience selected one winner by way of an applause meter during the Frogans Technology Conference 7 for the Audience Prize.

The four winners each won the following prizes awarded by AfricaDNSCheck, Ginkit, Netpia or Safebrands: five addresses of one of the Public Frogans Networks, and hosting of the corresponding Frogans sites for one year as from the opening of the Frogans Core Registry to Internet users. Their support structures, if mentioned, received the same prizes.

For each of the four winners, up to five retweeters drawn at random have been each awarded one address of one of the Public Frogans Networks and hosting of the corresponding Frogans site for one year dated from the opening of the Frogans Core Registry to Internet users.

Watch Frogans Awards 2:

Last update: July 20, 2016



Artistic Impression Prize

frogans*open To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Team Open DevGang (@DevgangSpirit) : Videme Montcho, Hassane Coulibaly, Arnold Atse, Eric Rainier Koffi, Jean Marie Yele, Christian Remain, Emmanuel Gosse
Groupe CERCO
Ivory Coast

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

open-1.png open-vignette-1.png

open-2.png open-3.png open-4.png open-5.png open-6.png open-7.png open-8.png open-vignette-2.png

open-13.png open-vignette-5.png

open-14.png open-vignette-10.png

open-15.png open-vignette-9.png

open-16.png open-vignette-4.png

open-17.png open-vignette-4.png

open-18.png open-vignette-4.png

open-19.png open-vignette-4.png

open-20.png open-vignette-4.png

open-21.png open-vignette-4.png

open-22.png open-vignette-4.png

open-23.png open-vignette-3.png

open-9.png open-vignette-6.png

open-10.png open-vignette-6.png

open-11.png open-vignette-7.png

open-12.png open-vignette-8.png

Retweeters drawn at random: @ArmelKeupondjo, @DevgangSpirit, @dezye1693, @MiisterMk

Back to the top of the page

Technical Merit Prize

frogans*chart To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Jean-Baptiste Tessier
Absolus Conseil

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

chart-1.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-2.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-3.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-4.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-5.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-6.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-7.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-8.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-9.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-10.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-11.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-12.png chart-vignette-1.png

chart-13.png chart-vignette-1.png

Retweeters drawn at random: @ArmelKeupondjo, @DevgangSpirit, @dezye1693, @MiisterMk

Back to the top of the page

Social Networks Prize

frogans*e-tralai To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Jean-Marc Ehouman
Ovillage (@OvillageCi)
Ivory Coast

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

e-tralai-1.png e-tralai-vignette-1.png

e-tralai-2.png e-tralai-vignette-2.png

e-tralai-3.png e-tralai-vignette-2.png

e-tralai-4.png e-tralai-vignette-2.png

e-tralai-5.png e-tralai-vignette-2.png

e-tralai-6.png e-tralai-vignette-2.png

e-tralai-11.png e-tralai-vignette-10.png

e-tralai-12.png e-tralai-vignette-10.png

e-tralai-13.png e-tralai-vignette-10.png

e-tralai-14.png e-tralai-vignette-10.png

e-tralai-15.png e-tralai-vignette-10.png

e-tralai-16.png e-tralai-vignette-10.png

e-tralai-17.png e-tralai-vignette-10.png

e-tralai-18.png e-tralai-vignette-10.png

e-tralai-19.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-20.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-21.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-22.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-23.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-24.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-25.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-26.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-27.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-28.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-29.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-30.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-31.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-32.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-33.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-34.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-35.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-36.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-37.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-38.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-39.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-40.png e-tralai-vignette-3.png

e-tralai-41.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-42.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-43.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-44.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-45.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-46.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-47.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-48.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-49.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-50.png e-tralai-vignette-4.png

e-tralai-7.png e-tralai-vignette-5.png

e-tralai-8.png e-tralai-vignette-6.png

e-tralai-9.png e-tralai-vignette-8.png

e-tralai-10.png e-tralai-vignette-9.png

Retweeters drawn at random: @tmahamadou01, @MiisterMk, @OvillageCi, @salioudiabate

Back to the top of the page

Audience Prize

frogans*storivoire To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Montresor Konan (@montresorkonan)
Ovillage (@OvillageCi)
Ivory Coast

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

storivoire-1.png storivoire-vignette-1.png

storivoire-2.png storivoire-vignette-8.png

storivoire-3.png storivoire-vignette-2.png

storivoire-6.png storivoire-vignette-9.png

storivoire-7.png storivoire-vignette-10.png

storivoire-8.png storivoire-vignette-13.png

storivoire-9.png storivoire-vignette-14.png

storivoire-10.png storivoire-vignette-15.png

storivoire-12.png storivoire-vignette-16.png

storivoire-13.png storivoire-vignette-3.png

storivoire-14.png storivoire-vignette-17.png

storivoire-15.png storivoire-vignette-18.png

storivoire-16.png storivoire-vignette-19.png

storivoire-17.png storivoire-vignette-20.png

storivoire-18.png storivoire-vignette-21.png

storivoire-19.png storivoire-vignette-1.png

storivoire-20.png storivoire-vignette-4.png

storivoire-21.png storivoire-vignette-22.png

storivoire-22.png storivoire-vignette-23.png

storivoire-23.png storivoire-vignette-24.png

storivoire-24.png storivoire-vignette-25.png

storivoire-25.png storivoire-vignette-26.png

storivoire-26.png storivoire-vignette-16.png

storivoire-27.png storivoire-vignette-5.png

storivoire-28.png storivoire-vignette-27.png

storivoire-29.png storivoire-vignette-28.png

storivoire-30.png storivoire-vignette-29.png

storivoire-31.png storivoire-vignette-30.png

storivoire-32.png storivoire-vignette-16.png

storivoire-33.png storivoire-vignette-6.png

storivoire-34.png storivoire-vignette-31.png

storivoire-35.png storivoire-vignette-32.png

storivoire-36.png storivoire-vignette-33.png

storivoire-37.png storivoire-vignette-34.png

storivoire-38.png storivoire-vignette-16.png

storivoire-39.png storivoire-vignette-7.png

storivoire-40.png storivoire-vignette-35.png

storivoire-41.png storivoire-vignette-36.png

storivoire-42.png storivoire-vignette-37.png

storivoire-43.png storivoire-vignette-38.png

storivoire-4.png storivoire-vignette-11.png

storivoire-5.png storivoire-vignette-12.png

Retweeters drawn at random: @ayaou_assamabo, @dezye1693, @montresorkonan, @Theoyansane

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Other Finalists

frogans*frogfoot To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Jean-Marc Ehouman
Communauté Frogans de Côte d'Ivoire (@comfrogansci)
Ivory Coast

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

frogfoot-1.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-2.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-3.png frogfoot-vignette-2.png

frogfoot-4.png frogfoot-vignette-2.png

frogfoot-5.png frogfoot-vignette-10.png

frogfoot-6.png frogfoot-vignette-11.png

frogfoot-7.png frogfoot-vignette-2.png

frogfoot-8.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-9.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-10.png frogfoot-vignette-2.png

frogfoot-11.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-12.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-13.png frogfoot-vignette-2.png

frogfoot-14.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-15.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-16.png frogfoot-vignette-2.png

frogfoot-17.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-18.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-19.png frogfoot-vignette-2.png

frogfoot-20.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-21.png frogfoot-vignette-1.png

frogfoot-22.png frogfoot-vignette-3.png

frogfoot-23.png frogfoot-vignette-4.png

frogfoot-24.png frogfoot-vignette-5.png

frogfoot-25.png frogfoot-vignette-6.png

frogfoot-26.png frogfoot-vignette-17.png

frogfoot-27.png frogfoot-vignette-18.png

frogfoot-28.png frogfoot-vignette-19.png

frogfoot-29.png frogfoot-vignette-20.png

frogfoot-30.png frogfoot-vignette-21.png

frogfoot-31.png frogfoot-vignette-22.png

frogfoot-32.png frogfoot-vignette-23.png

frogfoot-33.png frogfoot-vignette-24.png

frogfoot-34.png frogfoot-vignette-25.png

frogfoot-35.png frogfoot-vignette-26.png

frogfoot-36.png frogfoot-vignette-27.png

frogfoot-37.png frogfoot-vignette-28.png

frogfoot-38.png frogfoot-vignette-29.png

frogfoot-39.png frogfoot-vignette-2.png

frogfoot-40.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-41.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-42.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-43.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-44.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-45.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-46.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-47.png frogfoot-vignette-7.png

frogfoot-48.png frogfoot-vignette-30.png

frogfoot-49.png frogfoot-vignette-31.png

frogfoot-50.png frogfoot-vignette-9.png

frogfoot-51.png frogfoot-vignette-32.png

frogans*peluche To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Myriam Ouaret, Alexandre Pagnat (@jehutyy)
University of Evry

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

peluche-1.png peluche-vignette-1.png

peluche-2.png peluche-vignette-1.png

Back to the top of the page

Hors Concours

frogans*flysky360 To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Thomas Durantel Design

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

flysky360-1.png flysky360-vignette-1.png

flysky360-2.png flysky360-vignette-1.png

flysky360-3.png flysky360-vignette-1.png

frogans*SkydiveTour To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Thomas Durantel Design

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

skydivetour-1.png skydivetour-vignette-1.png

skydivetour-2.png skydivetour-vignette-1.png

frogans*winefair2016 To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Thomas Durantel Design

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

winefair2016-1.png winefair2016-vignette-2.png

winefair2016-2.png winefair2016-vignette-1.png

frogans*lacreme To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Thomas Durantel Design

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

lacreme-1.png lacreme-vignette-1.png

lacreme-2.png lacreme-vignette-1.png

frogans*HelloWorld-Entry To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:


Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

helloworld-entry-1.png helloworld-entry-vignette-1.png

helloworld-entry-2.png helloworld-entry-vignette-2.png

helloworld-entry-3.png helloworld-entry-vignette-3.png

Chess (Frogans address soon available)

Published by:

Vincent Decaesteke

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

chess-1.png chess-vignette-1.png

chess-1.png chess-2.png chess-3.png chess-vignette-1.png

chess-4.png chess-5.png chess-6.png chess-vignette-2.png

chess-7.png chess-8.png chess-9.png chess-vignette-3.png

chess-10.png chess-11.png chess-12.png chess-vignette-4.png

chess-13.png chess-14.png chess-15.png chess-vignette-5.png

chess-16.png chess-17.png chess-18.png chess-vignette-6.png

chess-19.png chess-20.png chess-21.png chess-vignette-7.png

chess-22.png chess-vignette-8.png

프로강스*넷피아 To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Netpia (@netpia - @Netpia_Inc)
Via Pesquet

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

netpia-1.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-2.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-3.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-4.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-5.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-6.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-7.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-8.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-8.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-10.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-11.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-12.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-13.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-14.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-15.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-16.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-17.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-18.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-19.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-20.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-21.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-22.png netpia-vignette-1.png

netpia-23.png netpia-vignette-1.png

frogans*AfricaDNSCheck To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Ramanou Biaou

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

africadnscheck-1.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-2.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-3.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-4.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-5.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-6.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-7.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-8.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-9.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-10.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-11.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-12.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-13.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-14.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-15.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-16.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-17.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-18.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-19.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-20.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-21.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

africadnscheck-22.png africadnscheck-vignette-1.png

frogans*register To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Ginkit (@Frogans_Editors)
Aurélien Probst

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

register-1.png register-vignette-1.png

register-2.png register-vignette-1.png

register-3.png register-vignette-1.png

register-4.png register-vignette-1.png

register-5.png register-vignette-1.png

register-6.png register-vignette-1.png

register-7.png register-vignette-1.png

register-8.png register-vignette-1.png

register-9.png register-vignette-1.png

register-10.png register-vignette-1.png

register-11.png register-vignette-1.png

register-12.png register-vignette-1.png

register-13.png register-vignette-1.png

register-14.png register-vignette-1.png

register-15.png register-vignette-1.png

register-16.png register-vignette-1.png

register-17.png register-vignette-1.png

register-18.png register-vignette-1.png

register-19.png register-vignette-1.png

register-20.png register-vignette-1.png

register-21.png register-vignette-1.png

register-22.png register-vignette-1.png

frogans*safebrands To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Safebrands (@SafeBrands)
Matthieu Aubert

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

safebrands-1.png safebrands-vignette-1.png

safebrands-2.png safebrands-vignette-1.png

safebrands-3.png safebrands-vignette-1.png

frogans*order To use this Frogans address and to access the corresponding Frogans site you must get Frogans Player by clicking on the badge "" to the right. Note: with the current version of Frogans Player (for Developers) you must copy-paste this Frogans address to access the Frogans site.

Published by:

Safebrands (@SafeBrands)
Matthieu Aubert

Screenshots of the Frogans site:

For each slide of the Frogans site, lead and vignette representations are provided (using the scaling factor XXS). If a slide contains buttons with interesting rollover effects, then additional screenshots are provided between the lead and the vignette representations.

order-1.png order-vignette-1.png

order-2.png order-vignette-1.png

order-3.png order-vignette-1.png

order-4.png order-vignette-1.png

order-5.png order-vignette-1.png

order-6.png order-vignette-1.png

order-7.png order-vignette-1.png

order-8.png order-vignette-1.png

order-9.png order-vignette-1.png

order-10.png order-vignette-1.png

order-11.png order-vignette-1.png

order-12.png order-vignette-1.png

order-13.png order-vignette-1.png

order-14.png order-vignette-1.png

order-15.png order-vignette-1.png

order-16.png order-vignette-1.png

order-17.png order-vignette-1.png

order-18.png order-vignette-1.png

order-19.png order-vignette-1.png

order-20.png order-vignette-1.png

order-21.png order-vignette-1.png

order-22.png order-vignette-1.png

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